You know, and I will show you I'm alive When I will show you that I cry
And you will see how I've survived With pills and whiskey and
You know, what will I do To make you cry
And make you pay For all I am
And make you regret What you've done
To me and I'll be satisfied.
You know, the pain that I feel in my heart Is too much for me, I decline
Your invitation to go on Living with you when all
You are is what I hate Into my heart And I want to kill you tonight
And I will show you what it's like To feel so useless when you die.
You know that you will be all mine tonight And you won't see me when I will
Break your neck with my hands and smile While i'll be set free from
Your heart. What will you do ... Try to survive
What will you think when I will steal ... Everything that makes you alive
When I'll be set free from your heart.
Und wenn du zu mir kommst (Um) bei mir zu sein
« Ich liebe … dich » ist was du sagst Mir gleich
Und ich raune … « Ich bin so froh, bei dir zu sein »
… Und ich meine … « Ich bin … allein »
Ich bin allein
Ich bin so traurig, Für dich, für uns
Ich weiss, dass du mich so … sehr liebst
ich muss
Dir sagen, dass ich nicht mehr bei … dir bleiben kann
Dass ich dich nicht mehr anlügen kann
Du bist allein
Ich habe mit dir gespielt, Es tut mir Leid
Ich habe dich nie geliebt, Oder vielleicht ...
… Vor langer zeit … Ich weiss nicht mehr
… Vor langer zeit … (Es) ist mir egal
Wir sind allein
You know … You take me as I am, as I can, There is no way … There is no way ...
You know … You take me as I am, as I can, There is no way … There is no way …
I can change.
When you tell me that you're fine I know that you lie
When you smile, I know inside That your heart is somewhere else
You pretend to be happy But I know it's not true
You try to hide your dirty trick and I say, I say …
I hope your pride is a good friend When I'll quit you tonight
It's all you have left in your heart
I hope ill will makes you smile, When your tears come and shine
It's all you have left in your heart
You know … You take me as I am, as I can, There is no way … There is no way ...
You know … You take me as I am, as I can, There is no way … There is no way …
I can change.
You never really wanted me, More than you admit
You just wanted me to be, Anyone if it's not me
What once was everything, Is just now nothing … left
You try to hide your cowardice and I say, I say …
Pride, Resentment, Stubbornness, Emptiness
Pride, Resentment, Stubbornness
It could have been something else ...
Ah, c'était tellement mieux avant, La vie était si belle Quand j'étais un enfant
Ah c'était tellement mieux avant, La vie était si belle Quand j'étais un enfant
(tout de suite)
Ah ... c'était tellement mieux avant, Ma mère le disait … tout le temps
On riait et on … chantait, La douceur de vivre
On … jouait dehors par tous les temps, On n'avait pas la télé
On prenait ... le temps de vivre, Mais aussi d'aimer
Toutes … les petites choses qu'on recevait, (On) n'était pas pourris gâtés
On prenait … le temps d' rêver, Et aussi de lire ...
Ah, c'était tellement mieux avant, La vie était si belle Quand j'étais un enfant
Ah c'était tellement mieux avant, La vie était si belle Quand j'étais un enfant
(tout de suite)
Ah … c'était tellement mieux avant, Mais est-ce seulement la vérité ?
Ou des souvenirs d'enfant ... rêvés, Je vais te dire vraiment ...
On … s'endormait tard en pleurant, La faim déchirant nos entrailles
(Le) bruit des bombes si souvent, La … peur … partout, où qu'on aille.
Ah … c'était tellement dur avant, Un rhume, une grippe nous emportait
La vie était si fragile … Vrai … ment ... ne tenait qu'à un fil.
Oh … Maman pleurait tout le temps, (Pa)pa était mort au combat
Elle « aimait » comme elle disait, Des … hommes … pour que l'on puisse vivre.
Ah, c'était tellement mieux avant, La vie était si dure Quand j'étais un enfant
Ah c'était tellement mieux avant, La vie était si laide Quand j'étais un enfant
Ah c'était tellement mieux avant, Il y avait ces hommes et ces femmes
Qui mourraient de détresse, Oh oui, de détresse
Il y avait des hommes qui violaient des femmes
Et les enfants qui crevaient, Et leur chair qui pourrissait au soleil
Et l'odeur qui brûlait nos larmes, Oh oui, c'était tellement mieux avant ...
(laisser un pattern)
Je sens que tu es là, et toi, tout contre moi.
Tous les deux, nous sommes là, et toi, là, dans mes bras
Et quand je sens ton cœur battre, pour moi, Et toi tu sais que je pense à toi
Je sens que tu es là et toi, tu es cool
You are so very cool, so crazy cool
You're such a beautiful soul, You're such a beautiful girl
You are so beauticool, so beauticool
(laisser un pattern)
Dans la nuit sombre et noire, moi j'aime quand tu es là
Comme une étoile qui brille si fort, tout contre moi
Et quand tu sens mon cœur battre, pour toi, Et moi je sais que tu penses à moi
Je sens que tu es là et toi, tu es cool
You are so very cool, so crazy cool
You're such a beautiful soul, You're such a beautiful girl
You are so beauticool
(stop et passe à la suite)
You are so beauticool, so beauticool
You're such a beautiful soul, You're such a beautiful girl
You are so beauticool
(enchainer tout de suite)
Tous les deux nous sommes là, si bien, seuls dans le noir
Les yeux dans les étoiles, nos cœurs emplis d'espoir
D 'une vie meilleure quand je pense à toi, D'une vie plus belle quand tu penses à moi
Je sens que tu es là et toi, tu es cool
You are so very cool, so crazy cool
You're such a beautiful soul, You're such a beautiful girl
You are so beauticool
(stop et passe à la suite)
You are so beauticool, so beauticool
Beauty in this world, And when you say there's beauty in this world
And when you show me that, Your smile is what I long, You think
And I will kill all the pain in my heart, You know
You say there is beauty in this world, And when you say there's beauty in this world
And when you show me that Your smile is what I long, You think
And I will kill all the pain in my heart, You know And I will cry ... My eyes out
When I want to stand back in the shadows at night And you tell me life is not what I think
When you're here, And you tell me to survive ... That I'm free Then I see all the beauty
You show me when you smile at night, You're the light I see in the dark ... of my mind
And you tell me to survive, That I will be free ... When I'll see that there is ...
Beauty in this world, And when you say there's beauty in this world
And when you show me that, Your smile is what I long, You think
And I will kill all the pain in my heart, You know
You say there is beauty in this world, And when you say there's beauty in this world
And when you show me that Your smile is what I long, You think
And I will kill all the pain in my heart, You know And I will cry ... My eyes out
When I hate all mankind for treating me bad, When I want to cry out all the pain inside
In my heart ... And you wipe my tears away, With your smile, And then I just realize
In my heart that the wounds and scars ... Are nothing when I think of you
And your smile, And you tell me to survive ... I'll be free
J'emmerde les politiciens et les banquiers, les grands patrons trop protégés
J'emmerde les pessimistes, la médiocrité, Les selfies, les égocentrés
J'emmerde les vieux et leurs petits chiens, Les jeunes qui crient sans lendemain
J'emmerde les juifs, les musulmans, Les cathos, les bouddhistes et puis j'en passe
J'emmerde les snobs et les petites gens, Ceux qui sont riches, qui n'ont pas d'argent.
J'emmerde les femmes et leurs amants, J'emmerde les hommes et leurs maîtresses
J'emmerde les petits couples charmants, Qui dégueulent de tendresse
J'emmerde les chats, c'est trop marrant, Et les bébés c'est trop mignon.
C'est trop mignon
J'emmerde tous ceux que je connais, Et ceux que je n'ai pas encore rencontré
J'emmerde les gens tout beau tout bien, Ils me donnent l'envie de gerber
J'emmerde les cons et je sais bien, Que j'en suis sûrement un ce soir
J'emmerde les petits, j'aime pas les gros, Les grands, les moches et les pas beaux
J'emmerde les gens qui réussissent, Et ceux qui rêvent d'y arriver
J'emmerde ces putains d'assistés, Qui passent leur vie aux assedics
J'emmerde les gosses à la télé, Qui dégueulent de tendresse
J'emmerde les chats, c'est trop marrant, Et les bébés c'est trop mignon.
C'est trop mignon
Moi j'aime personne et je vous emmerde, J'aime pas la vie, j'aime pas la mort
J'aime pas ce que je suis, et je vous emmerde, J'aime pas ma vie jusqu'à ma mort
C'est trop mignon
Moi j'aime personne et je vous emmerde, J'aime pas la vie, j'aime pas la mort
J'aime pas ce que je suis, et je vous emmerde, J'aime pas ma vie jusqu'à la mort
Moi j'aime personne et je vous emmerde, J'aime pas la vie, j'aime pas la mort
Moi je suis triste et je vous emmerde, J'aime pas ma vie jusqu'à ma mort
Jusqu'à ma mort
J'ai mal mais tu ne le sens pas, Je souffre, mais tu ne m'entends pas
Je pleure, mais je pleure en moi, Ces larmes que tu ne vois pas.
Le mal qui me ronge tout bas, En silence, il nous trahira
Il vole tout ce qui fait de moi, Cet homme que tu aimes, là ...
Je suis ... fort et sûr de moi, Je souris, et même je ris parfois
Pourtant … on ne se douterait pas … Que le mal est déjà là …
Mon cœur qui bat toujours pour toi ... Je le sens, il me bouffe et là …
Tout seul, tout seul je me bats Ce combat est le mien, tu vois ....
Un jour, un jour viendra Où peut-être, il gagnera
Je ne serai plus qu'un poids pour toi, Une ombre, une ombre de moi
Mon cœur qui bat toujours pour toi ... Je le sens, il me bouffe et là …
Tout seul, tout seul je me bats Comme un diable, comme un roi.
Tu auras ma mort, mais tu n'auras pas ma vie, Tu auras mes pleurs, mais d'espoir aussi
Ces larmes qui ne se voient pas … Sont un torrent qui t'emportera …
Non, tu ne m'auras pas, Non, tu ne me tueras pas
Ces larmes que tu ne vois pas, Elles brûlent tout ce mal en moi
Today is such a perfect day, Today is such a lovely day
Today is the D-Day, I will do it now
I'm cutting my veins, I'm cutting my veins, I'm cutting my veins
And my blood is red
Today is such a perfect day, Today is such a lonely day
Today is the D-Day, I can't stand it now
You know, life is such a pain, I go where I am not vain
You know, life is such a drain, I go where I will remain
I'm cutting my veins, I'm cutting my veins
I'm cutting my veins, And my blood is vain
Today was such a perfect day, Today was such a bloody day
Today was the D-Day, I have done it now
I've cut both my veins, I've cut both my veins
I've cut both my veins, And my hands are stained
I'm dying in vain, I'm dying in vain
I'm dying in vain, Now I've cut my veins
Et tu m'embrasses
Là, tout contre moi
Tu es à moi
Pour une dernière fois
Je t'aime
Et tu t'en vas
Et tu pars sans moi
Ne m'oublie pas
Moi je pense à toi
Je t'aime
Et tu t'enfuis
Toute seule dans la nuit
Tu vas vers lui
(Et) moi je pleure, ici
Je t'aime
Et tu t'envoles
Tu me manques déjà
Mon cœur s'affole
Même si tu ne m'aimes pas …
You promised me that it would just be fine
That I would be safe as long as I am in your arms
Telling me how much you cared for me
I should have faith in you
I opened my heart, and I gave you the keys
I've let you decide what you wanted us to be
I'm dizzy inside but you tell me it's alright
I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling
Slipping from a senseless ground
For you and forever I will be ...
Falling, Falling, Falling
Slipping from darkness to light.
Falling in love with you, you were right.
I'm losing control when you hold my hand
I'm losing myself when i'm close to you again
Kneeling for you is how I want to be
I am yours and you know it.
I've bowed in respect, shivering inside
Watching the ground, your hands holding me so tight
Feeling your power all over me
I'm falling, falling, falling
Slipping from a senseless ground
For you and forever I will be ...
Falling, Falling, Falling
Slipping from darkness to light.
Being your submissive is what I want.
When I wake up in the morning, My hands are shaking
When I wake up in the morning, My body is sweating
When I wake up in the morning, My hands are shaking
When I wake up in the morning, My head is breaking
I need a fix, I need a « you » fix (2x)
When I wake up in the morning, My hands are shaking
My body is sweating, My body is dripping
When I wake up in the morning, My hands are shaking
When I wake up in the morning, I need a fix
I need a fix, I need a « you » fix (4x)
When I stand up, still dreaming, My hands are shaking
When I stand up, still dreaming, My body is sweating
When I stand up, still dreaming, My hands are shaking
When I stand up, still dreaming, My head is breaking
When I move on, still starving, My soul is dying
My sad mind is crying, My sore heart is craving
When I move on, still starving, My soul is dying
When I move on, still starving, I need a fix
I need a fix, I need a « you » fix (4x)
Fix me (4x)
Fix me, Without you I'm broken (9x)
When I lay down in the evening, My mind is dreaming
When I lay down in the evening, My heart is praying
When I lay down in the evening, My soul is hoping
When I lay down in the evening, I fall asleep
When I wake up in the morning, My hands are shaking
My body is sweating, My body is dripping
When I wake up in the morning, My hands are shaking
When I wake up in the morning, I need a fix
I need a fix, I need a « you » fix (8x)
Butter … butter … butterfly, Butter … butter … butterfly
You fly so high
The light is bright, As bright as the sun in the sky
The light is bright, You're hypnotized, It's teasing you
You fly so fast, In love with the light, so bright
You feel you are, Drawn inside, inside you
You know inside, That ... The light is not just …
Butter … butter … butterfly, Butter … butter … butterfly
You fly so high
Butter … butter … butterfly, Butter … butter … butterfly
You fly so high
Butter … butter … butterfly, Butter … butter … butterfly
The light is too bright
BREAK solo
The light is bright, As bright as the sun in the sky
You fly around, You feel the heat, But it's too bright …
You fly so fast, As fast as you can, around
You feel you start, Burning inside, inside you
You knew inside, That ... You would die …
Butter … butter … butterfly, Butter … butter … butterfly
You fly so high
Butter … butter … butterfly, Butter … butter … butterfly
You fly so high
Butter … butter … butterfly, Butter … butter … butterfly
The light is too bright
The light is too bright
The light is too bright
(1 refrain à vide + 1 pattern)
This is what I wanna do, (I'm) sure you know it's right
I just wanna look at you, (And) see you lose the fight
All I want is me and you, (I) wanna hold you tight
This is what I wanna do, Until you die ... In the night
This is what I've got to do, (I) want to be alive
All I do is think of you, (I'm) craving to revive
This is what I wanna do, This what is right
This is what I want, See you cry, See you beg, See you die ...
This is what I do, This what is right
This is what I wanna do, This what is right
This is what I wanna do, This what is right
This Is Fu Cking Right , Oh Yeaaaah
Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah
Hmmm oh yes, this is what I do, this is what I want (soupirer)
… This is what I want, This is what I want
This is what I wanna do, This is what I want
This is what I wanna do, This is what I want
This is what I wanna do, This is what I want
This is what I wanna do, This is what I want
This is what I wanna do, This what is right
This is what I wanna do, This what is right
This Is Fu Cking Right , Oh Yeaaaah
Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah
This Is Fu Cking Right , Oh Yeaaaah
Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah
This Is Fu Cking Right, Fuck
So you think you can do what you want with me tonight, girl
I will dance with you until you smile at me
and you think that it's ... true love that i'm feeling for you
You will stay with me until i take you back tonight, girl
I do know what you want me to do
You want me to pay and drive and get no kiss from you, girl
I will tell you how it will really happen tonight, girl
I will make you drink until you lose yourself, and you think that it's
true love that i'm feeling for you
You will stay with me until i get paid back tonight, girl
I do know what I will do with you
I will get more than a kiss from you tonight, you know, girl
You will drink until you're sick and you want to get out, girl
I will stay with you until we are alone
and then I will take ... you down, down on the ground
I will take my time to make you scream and shout tonight, girl
I do know that you will love it too
I will get more than a kiss from you tonight, you know, girl
I will run away from you with a smile on my face, girl
I will make you cry until you hate yourself
As much as I do ... You know that thought will make me laugh
You will stay down on the ground until you die tonight, girl
I do know what I have done to you
Are you still feeling like a princess inside tonight, girl ?
I'm happy, I'm happy, So happy
I'm happy, I'm happy, So happy
I'm happy ... Enough ... As I should be
I'm happy ... Enough ... That's what it is
I say I'm happy enough ! You cry, you'll never be, You know ...
You cry, you'll never be, Yeah
I'm happy As I should be
I'm happy, I'm happy, So happy
I'm happy ... Enough ... As I should be
I'm happy ... Enough ... That's what it is
I say I'm happy enough ! You cry, you'll never be, You know ...
You cry, you'll never be, Yeah
You cry, you'll never be, You know
You cry, you'll never be, Yeah
I'm happy, Is it me ? I'm lonely ... You kill me
I'm happy, I'm happy, So happy
I'm happy, I'm happy, So happy
I'm happy ... Am I ? As I should be
I'm happy ... Enough ... That's what it is
I say I'm happy enough ! You cry, you'll never be, You know ...
You cry, you'll never be, Yeah
You cry, you'll never be, You know
You cry, you'll never be, Yeah
I'm happy, Is it me ? I'm lonely ... You kill me
You can think it's funny, It's so great around me
Life is soft and easy, Every day, a party
All I see is a tree, Standing close to the sea
A strong rope and you'll see, Hanging there my body
The truth is … Sometimes …
It's so hard … To be me …
(break et enchainer)
So much glory with me, I'm a success monkey
Faking to be happy, In a world that breaks me
Do I look so crazy ? All I feel is empty
Do I seem so snazzy ? Hanging there from the tree
The truth is … Sometimes …
It's so hard … To be me …
The truth is … Sometimes …
It's so hard … Not to hate myself
I just want to be your girl, Enjoy minutes in your mind
Hours when close to your heart, forever, you know, is just
right in time ... We will join ... But for now ... i want you to
Be the man I have in mind, Think of me from times to times
Remember that I am here, Wondering who and where you are
I just want to have a place, In your heart if you have one
Mom told me you're a monster, But I have a question
Is it your ... Blood that runs ... In my veins ... When I want to …
Be mean with the ones I love, When they show me that they care
Kill them when they do adore, The little monster that I am.
Father will we ever meet, Will I know what's in your heart
I don't know where to search you, But I need you, so I'm
On my way ... To find you ... And be me ... Close to you when ...
There is just noone to share, All the darkness in my heart
Mom doesnt know about me, I hope you will understand.
I just want to be your girl, Enjoy minutes in your mind
Mom told you're a Monster, But I am one too.
I know all that you want, I just don't listen (2x)
I know the things you do, And I don't pretend
To be happy with you, When you're close to him
I know the things you have,In mind when you go
Alone in the evening,Makes me want to scream
When I'm all yours at night, And you don't touch me
When I show you my breast, And you don't watch me
I know all that you want, I just don't listen
I know all that you want, It just isn't me
When I'm made up for you, You don't seem to care
All the others watch me, But you ignore me
I know all that you want, I just don't listen
I know all that you want, It just isn't me
As a woman I don't ... Seem to interest you
All the others watch me ... But you ignore me
I know all that you want, I just don't listen
I know all that you want, It's men you prefer
I know all that you want, I just don't listen (2x)
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
So you think that i've never seen you trying my clothes
So you think that i've never seen you trying my make up
With my heels, With my lipstick
Trying to walk like me, Trying to smile like me
Trying to smoke like me, Trying to laugh like me
Trying to be yourself (4x)
I know all that you want, I just don't listen
I know all that you want, It's men you prefer (2x)
close your eyes, you know there's no reason to doubt
close your eyes, you know that you're alive, you're alive
Come to me, And I will guide you through the night
Close to me, We will be the light, be the light, in the night, in the night
You cry you tell me I should hold you tight, You cry
You tell me now that you're terrified, terrified
I know that you will love what we will do ... tonight
You crave to please me with … all your heart, all your heart, you are mine, you are mine
You will close your eyes, And you will feel alive tonight
You cry you tell me I should hold you tight, You cry
You tell me now that you're terrified, terrified
I know that you will love what we will do ... tonight
You crave to please me with … all your heart, all your heart, you are mine, you are mine
Welcome ... Smile ... I own you ... You're mine ...
As naked as the night, Holding you tight, Watching your eyes, Touching your lips
You cry when I say, « you are mine », You cry you say ... « i'm yours …... for life »
I step back and smile, my voice in your mind, I tell you inside, You will do what I want
I own you
Your legs ... Open ... Your hands ... On your breast ...
Touch it it's mine ... Press it, it's firm ... Your teat, you like ... Pinch it, stronger
You love the pain, The pleasure inside, Release your mind, you're all wet, all mine
Use your nails ... Grab it, harder ... Scrape it, stronger, Free it … you cry
I own you
Feel ... The pain ... Unveil ... Your shame ...
You're shaking inside, Your hands so pale, Waiting on your breast, to show you the way
You cry when I say ... « you are mine », You cry you say ... « i'm yours ... for life »
Move them on your laps, Sweaty, dripping ... Open, as your mouth ... Begging for more
I own you
The beast … Inside … Your legs … Is craving ...
Feed it with one ... finger, you smile ... Give it, one more ... It's hungry, I smile
You love the pain, The pleasure inside ... Release your mind, you're all wet, all mine
Use your hand ... Ram it, faster ... Fuck it, stronger, Free it … you cry
I own you
I want to make you cry tonight ... It's how I feel alive
You'll come, I'll smile, I'll show you why
I'm drunk, Tonight, And you're all mine
I know, That's why, you're here tonight
You love ... It when ... I break you down
I'll grab ... Your hair ... And pull it hard
I'll scratch ... Your tits ... And hurt you bad
I'll hit ... Your face ... And make you smile
I'll break ... Your body
I want to make you cry tonight ... It's how I feel alive
You'll see ... Me smile ... And wonder what
I'll do ... With you ... To make you cry
You'll bend ... Before ... Me tonight
Waiting ... For me ... To teach you that
You're ... A bitch ... And you're all mine
A toy ... An object ... I despise
You'll beg ... To get ... More than you can
Bear ... You know
I want to make you cry tonight ... It's how I feel alive
I'm standing here alone, in the dark ... I can't believe you're gone, in the night
I wanted you to stay 2x
everything around me is talking about you, everything around me is you
you can't be gone, that's not true, You'll come back home, as I knew
I'll smile when I'll see your face, We will hug like we have never before
I'll be amazed by your stunning grace, And your laugh that I do adore
I'm standing here alone, in the dark ... I can't believe you're gone, in the night
I wanted you to stay 2x
I see your book on the table, and I wonder « will you finish it ? »
I ask myself « Are you able … To put it in the bin and throw it ? »
I hear you call my name, the way you do, And I'm looking for you
Is it a dream coming true ? Or just a nightmare, I have no clue
I wanted you to stay 8x
I'm standing here alone, in the dark ... I can't believe you're gone, in the night
I wanted you to stay 2x
(laisser 2 patterns)
I thought I was strong, I'm a man, But inside, I wanted you to stay
I thought I was strong, I'm a man, But inside, I wanted you to stay
(3e plus aigü)
I wanted you to stay 4x
(commencer après le break)
Selfish is what you've always been, I exist, but do you really care ?
A bitch is all you are to me, You're a slut, you've left me all alone
But I know ... it's what you really needed, Go and find your very own way
I know ... it's what you really needed, But inside, I wanted you to stay
(3e plus aigü)
I wanted you to stay 4x
(après le solo)
You said « for me you're everything », But they are just words that flied away
You lied, I was weak and so naive, Now you're gone, you've left me all alone
But I know ... it's what you really needed, Go and find your very own way
I know ... it's what you really needed, But inside, I wanted you to stay
(3e plus aigü)
I wanted you to stay 4x
(tout enchainer sans pause)
I wanted you to stay 4x
If I hadn't smiled at you
If you hadn't talked with me
If I hadn't touched your hand
If you hadn't touched my heart
If I hadn't made love with you
If you hadn't kneeled for me
If I hadn't touched your hair
If you hadn't touched my heart
I wanted you to stay 4x
I wanted you to stay, I wanted you to stay
Now inside, there is only me, Inside, there is only me
(laisser un pattern)
I walk in circles, I swear it's true
Like a rat in a cage, Like a man with no rage
I know I agreed, I agreed with you
But I'm lost now, I'm lost without you
My heart is broken, My soul is dead
My mind insane, My face is so fucking pale
And I keep crying all day long, All night long too
I wanted you … I wanted you … To stay … To stay
I wanted you to stay, I wanted you to stay
Now inside, there is only me, Inside, there is only me
(laisser un pattern)
I see your face Everywhere I go
And I miss you, And I need you
My hands are shaking, My voice is trembling
And my eyes cry, I'm lost without you
How can I survive ? You'd be here you'd know
And tell me what to do, What to think, where to go
And I keep crying all day long, All night long too
I wanted you … I wanted you … To stay … To stay
I wanted you to stay
I wanted you to stay 2x
You showed me what it's like
You know, to be falling in love with you
You told me I was right
There is beauty in this world, with you
You were scared to be mine
« I own you » was so deep inside your heart
Now you're gone and you're free
Now I'm done and I see the light, so bright
I wanted you to stay 2x
(solo puis enchainer)
Life was so nice
It was like a dream coming true, with you
I'm just a clown
My makeup is flaking and my smile vanished
One day I'll be fine
They say, but I really don't care at all
It's my turn to be gone
It's my turn to be free, till I see the light
I wanted you to stay 5x
Ich habe daran so viel gedacht, Ich will in dir sein Ich will in dir sein
Ich habe daran so viel gedacht, Ich will in dir sein Ich will in dir sein
Ich will in dir sein Ich will in dir sein (4x)
(laisser 1 pattern)
Komm zu mir, Ich will dich hier, allein ... Ich brauche dich ... Es wird so perfekt sein
Komm zu mir, Du wirst alles machen, Was ich will, Wie ich (es) will, Was ich sage, Wie ich (es) sage
Du bei mir, Ist wie ein schöner Traum, Du gehörst mir, Du verdienst meinen Zaum
Du bei mir, Ist wie eine schöne Nacht, Die Sterne scheinen ... Auf deinem Körper, nackt
Ich bin bei dir, Du bist bei mir … Das ist was ich mag
(tout de suite)
Ich habe daran so viel gedacht, Ich will in dir sein Ich will in dir sein
Ich habe daran so viel gedacht, Ich will in dir sein Ich will in dir sein
Ich will in dir sein Ich will in dir sein (4x)
(tout de suite)
Das Leben ist ein Mysterium ... Und so ist Liebe, und so ist Sex
Das Leben ist ein Mysterium ... Und so ist Liebe, und so ist Sex
Dein Körper in meinen Armen, Und deine Augen, ganz geschlossen
Deine Beine weit geöffnet, Und deine Brüste, in meinen Händen
Deine Finger auf die Lippen, Kommen und gehen, kommen und gehen
So sinnlich ist deine Seele, Wie deine Figur, wie deine Blume
Geniessen is was du willst, Es wird bald kommen, du wirst bald kommen
Geniessen is was du willst, Es macht dich verrückt, es ist noch nicht die Zeit
es ist noch nicht die Zeit
Das Leben ist ein Mysterium, Und so ist Liebe, und so ist Sex
Ich habe daran so viel gedacht, Ich will in dir sein Ich will in dir sein
Ich habe daran so viel gedacht, Ich will in dir sein Ich will in dir sein
Ich will in dir sein Ich will in dir sein (4x)
Et même si je le sens , Que tu vois en moi, Que je pleure
Je pars, tu vois, Mon coeur, tout en douceur
Et même si je le sais, Et même si je le sais, Tu vois, je pars
Je repense à ta vie, Et je crève d'envie
De t'aimer, en douceur, Et je pleure car je sens que je meurs
Tu sais qui je suis, Je te parle tout bas, je m'enfuis
Et même si je regrette, De ne jamais voir, Ton sourire
Je pars, tu vois, Je m'en vais, Tout en douceur
Et même si je le sais, Et même si je le sais, Tu vois, je pars
Je repense à ma vie, Elle fut belle et je prie
Que tu voies le bonheur, Je t'aime, je serai ta lueur
Tu sais qui je suis, Au revoir, mon enfant, Je m'enfuis
Je suis l'Homme que tu vois, ce soir, près de toi ... Je suis aussi … bien plus que ça
Je suis ton rêve, ton envie, ta croix ... Je suis celle que tu n'aimais pas
Je suis ta moitié, je suis ton roi ... Je suis ton passé, ton avenir, et nous, et nous
Je ne suis pas né, je t'attendrai, là-bas ... Mais toi, mais toi, qui es-tu ?
Je suis … Paris Obscur, Je suis … Je suis … Je suis … Paris Obscur, Je suis … Je suis …
(laisser un pattern)
Ich bin der Retter, der König, der Sünder ... Ich bin der Mann, den du liebst
Ich bin ein Traum, ein schöner Traum ... Ich bin das Ende wo alles ist
Ich bin die Mutter, die nie wieder dich küssen kann ... Für immer aber, dich lieben wird
Ich bin die Nutteund ich bin der Wichser ... Und Du, Du, Du … wer bist du ?
Ich bin … Paris Obscur, Ich bin … Ich bin, Ich bin … Paris Obscur, Ich bin … Ich bin
I want to die, I want to live, you see ... I cry, I bleed.
I am your love and I am your enemy ... I am everything and the contrary
I am the one on the ground, crying ... I am the one who runs tonight
I am the ghost and I am the house ... But you … who are you ?
I am … Paris Obscur, And you … and you ? I am … Paris Obscur, And you … and you
Ich bin … Paris Obscur, Und du … und du ? Ich bin … Paris Obscur, Und du … und du
Je suis … Paris Obscur, Je suis … Je suis … Je suis … Paris Obscur, Je suis … Et toi ?
Est-ce écrit dans vos gènes ? Ou est-ce la vie qui fait ça …
Vous êtes des magiciennes, Si belles
Vous offrez votre cœur Et votre corps aussi
Pour un don à la vie, Si belles
A toutes les mamans … Je vous M (2x)
Vous vous levez la nuit, Quand les pleurs vous réveillent
Un amour éternel, Si belles
Vous avez le courage, De vous sacrifier
Oublier votre vie, Si belles
A toutes les mamans … Je vous M (2x)
Vous serez toujours là, Pour cet enfant aimé
Dans ses joies, dans ses peines, Si belles
Et vous n'attendrez rien, Qu'un sourire en partant
Voler vers son destin ... Les larmes coulant des yeux
Et le cœur déchiré, Et la main qui défaille
En le saluant quand même, Et la voix qui déraille
En lui criant « Je t'aime » ... Je t'aime
A toutes les mamans … Je vous M (4x)
(attendre la batterie)
You've got to show me what it's like, To cry when you're in love
If I go insane
You've got to show me what it's like, To love when my eyes cry
You've got to show me what it's like … to feel … But for real ... for real this time
You reached my heart without a fight
You've got to show me what it's like … to feel … But for real ... for real this time
Touching your skin that never-ending night, Made me feel like a star, so bright
Smelling your hair was such a pure delight, Kissing your lips under that lunar light
You reached my heart without a fight
I was holding you so tight, Holding you so tight
You've got to show me what it's like, To cry when you're in love
If I go insane
You've got to show me what it's like, To love when my eyes cry
You've got to show me what it's like … to feel … But for real ... for real this time
You reached my heart without a chase
You've got to show me what it's like … to feel … But for real ... for real this time
And it got real when you caressed my face, Made me feel like I'm a man, in grace
It's my soul that you've left, unlaced, I want to stay with you, embraced
You reached my heart without a chase
I was loving you so bad, Loving you so bad
Justine, Justine, Justine, ohhh … Justine
Justine, when you talk, With tears in your eyes, When you smile, Bitter and sad
When you try To lie to your heart, When your hands Are shaking so bad
When you leave, And you cry inside, When you go Back on his side
You cry, (you) say no, no, (you) say, no, justine
Hmmm you know, Although you cryyyy inside, (You) love him
And take your eyes away From him, (you) say no, no, (you) say, no, Justine
laisser pattern)
Justine, when I see The wounds on your arm, Then you tell That you fell hard
When I see The scars on your heart, Then you tell That you're all fine
When I see The tears in your eyes, Then you say « Leave me alone »
You cry, (you) say no, no, (you) say, no, justine
Hmmm you know, Although you cryyyy inside, (You) love him
And take your eyes away From him, (you) say no, no, (you) say, no, Justine
Justine, when I see Him with another girl, Then you say He works with her
When I see Him with another man, Then you say He's just a friend
Then you cry All the tears in your eyes, Then you scream All the pain in your heart
You cry, (you) say no, no, (you) say, no, justine
Hmmm you know, Although you cryyyy inside, (You) love him
And take your eyes away From him, (you) say no, no, (you) say, no ...
Justine, Justine, Justine, Justine
Justine, then you cry All the tears in your eyes
Then you scream All the pain in your heart
You cry, (you) say no, no, (you) say, no, justine
Hmmm you know, Although you cryyyy inside, (You) love him
And take your eyes away From him, (you) say no, no, (you) say, no, Justine
Justine, Justine, Justine, Justine
Justine, Justine, Justine, Justine
Toi, quand tu es, là, dans mes bras, le soir
Toi, dans tes yeux coulent des larmes d'espoir
Que je pense à toi, Que je suis à toi
Toi, quand ton cœur bat contre moi, si fort
Toi, quand je sens ta main trembler, alors
Que je pense à toi, Que je crie tout bas
L'enfer c'est toi 8x
Toi, quand tu me dis que tu m'aimes, tout bas
Toi, quand tu penses que je suis tout, pour toi
Que tu songes à moi, Que tu es à moi
Toi, c'est ton amour que tu aimes, de moi
Toi, je ne suis qu'une ombre, une ombre, de toi
Et ce n'est pas moi, Tu ne me changeras pas
L'enfer c'est toi 8x
Toi, et tu pleures tout bas, en silence
Et tu ne me dis pas pourquoi
Pourquoi tu aimes la violence .. en moi
Tu vois, et même si tu en vomis
Même si la douleur te ronge
Qu'elle rend muets tous tes cris … tu plonges
Tu crois 4x
Je le sais …
L'enfer c'est toi 4x
c'est moi
(laisser 2 patterns)
je te parle mais tu ne m'entends pas, Mes prières sont muettes, elles ne résonnent pas
Tu restes sourd à mes cris, mes larmes, Mon cœur saigne de vivre sans toi
J'ai beau tout essayer, tu es loin de moi, J'ai beau te prier, je n'existe pas
Je souffre en silence, seul, dans mon désarroi, Alors qu'au fond de moi, j'aurais tant besoin de toi
Las de t'invoquer, et de vivre sans toi, Perdu dans mes pensées, je ne crois plus en toi
Alors pourquoi pas, lui vendre mon âme, La messe noire m'emportera-t-elle …
ce soir … (attendre) ce soir ...
La … messe noire x4
(laisser 2 patterns)
Tu m'as pris mes enfants et ma femme aussi, Tu m'as pris tout ce qui était beau, si beau, dans ma vie
Tu m'as pris l'espoir de jours meilleurs, Tu m'as pris l'envie de repartir ailleurs
N'ai-je pas été un homme louable ? Aurais-je pu mériter ce destin minable ?
Quand je pense à moi, je ne suis pas si mauvais Quand je pense à toi, tu m'as abandonné
Alors, dis-moi, pourquoi continuer ? Continuer à croire, que tu veux bien m'aider ?
Alors pourquoi pas, lui vendre mon âme La messe noire m'emportera-t-elle …
ce soir … (attendre) ce soir ...
La … messe noire x4
(laisser solo & 2 patterns)
Le rituel est prêt, les bougies allumées En forme d'étoile, à 5 branches, renversée
La musique si obscure de Paris est lancée Je suis assis, à attendre qu'il vienne me sauver
Et le temps passe et les pleurs s'enchainent Je ne sais plus comment faire pour atténuer ma peine
Donnez moi un signe, ou toi, ou lui Peu importe au final, la solitude me détruit
Tous ceux que j'ai aimés un jour m'ont quitté Faut-il que je haïsse pour ne pas rester seul ?
Mieux vaut-il être aimé ou bien accompagné ? La messe noire ne m'a pas emporté
Ce soir … (attendre) Ce soir …
La … messe noire x8
error : https://www.parisobscur.com/paroles_shows/là -bas.txt
I know that you smile And pretend It's alright ... But …
I know your secret, What my son Haaaas done To your life
I know that you cry, All alone, In the dark, Of the night
I know that you hope, He dies, you know ….
Leila … Leila … Leila … Leila …
I know that you are, Strong and proud, Courageous, And you try
I know that you raise, Your daughter, All alone, And you try
I know that the shame, Is stronger, than the lies, Deep inside
You are the dauuuughter, I've never had, Never
Leila … Leila … Leila … Leila …
I know it's unfair, He deserves ... To be put in jail
You know that I'm scared, He is my son, I can't report him
You know I'm ashamed, Oh I'm Ashamed, There's something wrong with him
You know that I've failed, That I have failed ... At raising my son
Leila … Leila … Leila … Leila …
Leila … Leila … Leila … Leila …
And well I know know know know, That I'm right
And when I know know know know, What I do
And I say no, no, no, no, I wont tell
And I will go, go, go, go, Away from you
Until it's right, Until it's right, Until it's right (2x)
And when you say, say, say, say, That I'm wrong
I can tell you, you, you, you, You're not right
I don't have to, to, to, to, Prove you that
What I will do, do, do, do, Is just right
Little monster, Little monster, Is what I am (2x)
And you will try, try, try, try, To hold me
Until I cry, cry, cry, cry, in your arms
But that will not, not, not, not, Not happen
Cause I will go, go, go, go, Away from you
Until it's right, Until it's right, Until it's right (x2)
And when you'll see, see, see, me, Running away
You will hear me, me, me, me, Laughing out loud
You heart will be, be, be, be, All broken
But I don't care, care, care, care, Because you know
Little monster, Little monster, Is what I am (2x)
Why do I feel so lonely, Why do I feel so sad
Even when you're all around me, Even when I'm all you love
Can you comfort me tonight, Can I rest close to your heart
Will you catch me as I fall ? Or will you leave me all alone
Will you hear me when I'll cry ? Will you give me all your time ?
Or stay away and leave me now When I need all your love
Why do I feel so empty, Why do I feel so bad ?
Even when you're all around me, Even when I'm all you love
Can you take my hand and smile ? Can I rest close to your heart ?
Can you catch me as I drown ? In the darkness of my soul
Come and show me one more time, How much I'm all you desire
Don't stay away and leave me, When I need all your love
When the pain is too hard to be restrained
When I feel that my heart is all insane
Emptiness is what I get, i close my eyes, And I will never be
When the pain is too hard to be restrained
When I feel that my heart is all insane
Emptiness is what I get, i close my eyes, And I will never be
I'll never never be
Tonight you cry you know I'm not ... Alive.
So you wanna take me down, down to the city
you wanna show me what it's like to be all snazzy
You say you know what is liiiiiiiiiiiiife (liaison tout de suite)
So you wanna show me what it's like to be with you
So you wanna show me what it's like, What it's like to be with you
(Do) you think I'm innocent ? You make me smile
(apres la cymbale)
So you wanna take me down to the city
You say you know what is liiiiiiiiiiiiife (liaison tout de suite)
So you wanna show me what it's like to be with you
So you wanna show me what it's like ... To be ... with you ... tonight ... Yeah ... You know
hahahahaha - You really make me laugh
Look at that man, Showing off with a lady, Look at that man, trying to impress me
Look at that man, with a beer in his hand, Look at that man, Showing off with a lady
Look at that man, trying to impress me, Look at that maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
So you wanna take me down, down to the city
you wanna show me what it's like to be all snazzy
You say you know what is liiiiiiiiiiiiife (liaison tout de suite)
So you wanna show me what it's like to be with you
So you wanna show me what it's like, What it's like to be with you
(Do) you think I'm innocent ? You make me smile
(apres la cymbale)
So you wanna take me down to the city
You say you know what is liiiiiiiiiiiiife (liaison tout de suite)
So you wanna show me what it's like to be with you
So you wanna show me what it's like, What it's like to be with you
(Do) you think I'm innocent ? You make me smile
(Do) you think I'm innocent ? You make me smile
(Do) you think I'm innocent ? You make me smile
(Do) you think I'm innocent ? You make me smile
(Do) you think I'm innocent ? Innocent ... is not ... what I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
hahahahahahahaha, it's really not what I am ... Look at that man
Make me dream, Show me the moon and stars
Make me dream, Show me the moon and stars
Moon and stars ... Fool me, cheat me, Fool me, cheat me
As long as you … Make me dream 4x
Oh ... when you tell me lies, I don't really care
All I mind is that We are one
You … when you tell me that ... I'm the one you love
It's not right but I want you to ... Make me dream 3x
Make me dream, Show me the moon and stars
Make me dream, Show me the moon and stars
Moon and stars ... Fool me, cheat me, Fool me, cheat me
As long as you … Make me dream 4x
(parle doucement)
Make me dream, Show me the moon and stars
Make me dream, Show me the moon and stars
Hmmm when you say it's fine ... I know that you play
With my heart, And I don't mind
You … know my life is dull ... Like a cloudy night
In the darkness Of my soul
Oh … All I care is that ... I can stay with you
So you show me The moon and stars
Make me dream 4x
I know your life is not so bright ... Time is flying out of sight
Your work, your wife ... and your kids, You're lost, you're spinning all around
Tonight, I want to say ... It's alright
Then you tell me that you try so hard, That you promise you will call me back
(You) think of me more than from time to time, The good ol' days are not behind
You do your best ... And it's alright ...
Then you tell me that you try so hard, That you promise you will call me back
(You) think of me more than from time to time, The good ol' days are not behind
You do your best ... And it's alright
You're my friend, It's alright, You're my friend
I seeeee the pics of us tonight, You've been such a part of my life
You've seen it all, and now you're gone, Prooooomises won't feed the bond
Tonight, I'd love to say ... It's alright
Then I tell you that it hurts inside, When I get no sign that you're alive
When I can't be … aaaaa part of your life, The good ol' days are so behind
You do your best ... And it's alright
Then I tell you that it hurts inside, When I get no sign that you're alive
When I can't be … aaaaa part of your life, The good ol' days are so behind
You do your best ... And it's alright
You're my friend, It's alright, You're my friend
(attendre premiere partie guitare)
I want to show you What it's like, To wait for you and get no sign
I want to show you What it's like, To wait for you and get no sign
I want to see you cry, I want to see you bleed inside (4x)
I forgive you, But I want to see you cry
I forgive you, But I want to see you bleed inside
que je ne vais pas bien, qui s'en inquiète ?
Que le chemin pour moi, Enfin s’arrête
Que j'entrevoie la fin, Des années de souffrance
Une mer de solitude, Un gouffre d'espérance
Une bouteille à la mer, Emportée par les flots
Un regard éphémère, Sur ton corps, sur ta peau
Et je repense à vous, Tous autour de moi
J'ai tant donné pour vous, Qu'avez-vous fait pour moi ?
Ne m'oublie pas
Je ne suis pas éternel, Je disparais ainsi
Je me noie, irréel, Dans les flots de la vie
De la mort, je ne sais, Dans les tourments muets
D'un cœur fatigué, Qui ne peut plus rêver
Je m'en vais serein, D'avoir tant fait pour vous
Mais aussi amer, J'en deviendrais fou
De n'avoir pu vous dire, De n'avoir pu écrire
De n'avoir pu crier, Vous m'avez tant brisé.
Ne m'oublie pas
Quelle sera votre vie, Quand je ne serai plus là
Des cris des pleurs, aussi, la vie reprendra
Et je ne serai plus qu'une vague, Qui s'en ira au loin
Un souvenir diaphane, Une peau de chagrin
la 3e mort viendra, Non pas celle du cœur
Non pas celle du corps, Mais celle du souvenir
qui s'en va, Du souvenir, Qui s'en va
Mais toi, non, toi, ne m'oublie pas
Ne m'oublie pas, Ne m'oublie pas, Non, Ne m'oublie pas (2x)
Chaque fois que tu sentiras La pluie glisser sur ta peau
Pense à moi, Pense à moi, ne m'oublie pas
Chaque fois que tu sentiras Le vent glisser sur ton coeur
Pense à moi, ne m'oublie pas
Obsessions ...
When you close your eyes in the night, When your body aches for me and dies
you sweat, you beg, and you cryyyyyyyyyyyy ... Obsessions
When you shout my name in the dark, When you crave for me to come and awwwww
you ache, and you cry, and you dieeeeeeeeeee
Obsessions ... Obsessions ... Obsessions ... You're such a lovely girl, You're such a flower
Such a diamond in the sky, You touch my soul, you brand my heart
I want to see you at my feet, waiting for me to smile
I want to see you beg for me and cry, you ache, you burn, and you die
When I watch you down at my feet, With your kneels so hurt on the ground
you sweat, you beg, and you cryyyyyyyyyyyy ... Obsessions
touch your face and feel you shivering, touch your lips and hear you moan
for me, On the ground, With your hands, On your flower
Obsessions ... Obsessions ... Obsessions ... You're such a horny girl
I can feel your flower, Torturing it with my feet, I touch you inside, you leave the ground
I feel you as high as you can be Waiting for me
to set you free, Legs wide open, and you ache, you burn, and you die
and you crave for me to come, and take you ... all of you
With my tongue dancing in your mouth, And my hand brushing your hair I smile
inside, knowing that ... you're all mine ... Obsessions
Touching your velvet underground, With my member making you die
and you cry, as i go ... deep inside
Obsessions ... Obsessions ... Obsessions ... You're such a naughty girl
As I take you to a heaven You see for the first time, In my arms
I see that glance of darkness in your eyes and smile
I see how much you love it when all ... you are .. is mine, And you cry
your body resting close to mine, And my hand brushing your hair I smile
inside, knowing that ... you're all mine ... Obsessions
Caressing your neck with my mouth, Feeling you surrender and smile
And you breathe, shivering, you're all mine
Obsessions ... Obsessions ... Obsessions ... You're such a different girl
I see it in your eyes And your smile, Now that you're mine, with all your heart
I see that glance of darkness in your eyes and smile
I see how much you live now that you're mine
With your heart, Your body, Your soul ... And your mind
You know ... I try to go ... Out and see the light
It runs … through me, But it's so hard … really ...
I try … I try so hard, And I fail … I fail so bad.
I take ano … ther pill , I feel so sad
I have ano … ther drink, I feel so mad
It's right … You know it's what is right ...
(I) want to go outside, I cry tonight.
I cry inside, I want to see the light
I want to win the fight, I cry, I feel so low, I cry, I feel so down
You know ... I try to go ... Out and see the light
It runs … through me, I feel so mad, It's right …
You know it's what is right ... (I) want to go outside, I cry tonight.
I cry inside, I want to see the light
I want to win the fight, I cry, I feel so low, I cry, I feel so down
o … ppre … ssion (x3)
I try to step outside, The light is bright
I feel I am so blind, My hands are shaking
You know, You know I feel oppressed, When I go outside, I cry and smile
I cry inside, Now I see the light
Have I won the fight ? I cry, I feel oppressed, I cry, I feel oppressed
Let's go back home
Et tu pars et tu pleures et tu meurs
Paris est sombre sans ta lueur.
Et tu pars et tu pleures et tu meurs
Et tu t'en vas là où la vie t'emmène.
Et tu pars et tu ris et tu meurs
Et ton sourire sèche les larmes que je pleure.
Et tu pars et tu pleures et tu meurs
Et tu t'en vas là où la vie t'emmène.
Et tu pars et tu ris et tu meurs
Et ton sourire sèche les larmes que je pleure.
And you go and you cry and you die
And you go where life is never love.
And you go and you cry and you die
And you go where life is never the same.
And you go and you smile and you die
And you wipe my tears away when you smile.
And you go and you cry and you die
And you go where life is never the same.
And you go and you smile and you die
And you wipe my tears away when your smile.
And you go and you cry and you die
And you go where life is never the same.
And you go and you smile and you die
And you wipe my tears away when your smile.
Et tu pars et tu pleures et tu meurs
Et tu t'en vas là où la vie t'emmène.
Et tu pars et tu ris et tu meurs
Et ton sourire sèche les larmes que je pleure.
Il est minuit, je suis choqué, Je viens de voir les news à la télé.
Je vois Paris en différé, La guerre civile va bientôt nous déchirer.
La bouche ouverte, l'esprit hagard, Je ne comprends pas, ce qu'il vient de se passer.
Les yeux humides, seul dans le noir, Je refuse de croire, et pourtant c'est arrivé.
Ça a vraiment recommencé.
Il est 1h, je suis inquiet, Je commence à … doucement … réaliser.
Je pense à ceux qui sont tombés, A leurs familles, à leurs destins brisés.
La barbarie est à Paris, Le moyen-âge est là en 2015.
Il faut tuer n'importe qui, C'est ton ami imaginaire qui te l'a dit ?
Ça a vraiment recommencé.
Il est 2h, je suis rassuré,Tous mes amis vont bien, c'est confirmé.
Les faits s’emmêlent, il faut trouver La vérité dans tout ce qui est supposé.
Des fanatiques ? Cas isolés ? Et personne n'a … encore … revendiqué.
Des islamistes décérébrés ? Ou bien des fous, aucune idée.
Une chose est sûre ... Ça a vraiment recommencé.
Il est 3h, je suis atterré, Toute cette violence me fait vraiment gerber.
Je vois Paris ensanglanté, Je vois ces vies volées et arrachées.
Les militaires sont dans la ville, C'est bien une guerre qui a commencé.
Mais contre qui vont-ils se battre ? Dans ces gens-là … certains … sont bien Français ?.
Ça a vraiment recommencé.
Il est 4h, je suis fatigué, Le 13 novembre est déjà bien terminé.
Je pense à l'avenir, plus au passé, Je les vois d'ici, à vouloir des condamnés.
Les Fatima, et les Aylin, D'autres victimes innocentes des préjugés.
Les Mohammed, et les Ali, Pourquoi laissez-vous le Coran si souillé ?
Dans tous les cas … Ça a vraiment recommencé.
Il est 5h, je suis couché, Je ne comprends pas, ce qu'il vient de se passer.
Quel intérêt, quelle tragédie, Je refuse de croire, et pourtant c'est arrivé.
Il est 6h, les yeux fermés, Ce n'est pas un rêve, c'est la dure réalité.
Je repense aussi, à ces victimes, A leurs parents, leurs enfants, et leurs amis.
Ça a vraiment recommencé. Ça a vraiment recommencé.
Je suis fatigué …
d'avoir rêvé ma vie, Et bien d'autres encore
d'avoir été un ange, mais aussi la mort
d'avoir été une femme, puis une autre, une autre encore
d'avoir été un homme, un père un fils en désaccord
d'avoir tant crié, d'avoir tant pleuré
d'avoir tant senti, mon cœur s'est brisé
d'avoir tant hurlé, d'avoir tant rêvé
d'avoir tant espéré, Je suis fatigué
je suis ... perdu 8x
(laisser un pattern vide)
Je suis perdu de toi, Je suis perdu de moi
Je ne sais plus qui je suis, Aide-moi, ne me laisse pas, Je suis …
perdu ... Est-ce que tu me vois ? Je suis seul, seul, face à mes choix
Je m'en vais, mais retiens-moi, Je ne veux pas partir là-bas
d'avoir tant crié, d'avoir tant pleuré
d'avoir tant senti, mon cœur s'est brisé
d'avoir tant hurlé, d'avoir tant rêvé
d'avoir tant espéré, Je suis fatigué
je suis ... perdu 8x
je suis fatigué, je suis fatigué, je suis fatigué, je suis … perdu
et puis ça continue encore et encore, ils viendront me hanter jusqu'à la mort
me blesser, me tuer, sceller mon sort, jusquà ce qu'enfin,mes cris déchirent mon corps
jusqu'à ce que je sois eux et qu'ils m'aient eu, je ne sais plus qui je suis
Ou bien peut etre … Paris ? Paris, je ne sais pas, mais obscur, ça oui
Je suis … perdu x8
Je suis perdu dans les ténèbres de mon âme, Dans la noirceur d'un cœur qui déraille
Qui me laisse, seul, dans le vide, infâme, sans haine, sans peurs, sans mal
Je suis perdu dans le bonheur suffisant, Dans la lumière de ton sourire d'avant
Qui me laisse, seul, dans le vide, infâme, sans joie, sans rires, sans rien
Pizza … I love pizza, I need pizza, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh (2x)
Pizza in the morning, Pizza … in the evening
I want pizza night and day, I want pizza everyday ... oh-oh-oh
Pizza for Jesus day, I want pizza for my birthday
I want pizza for Hanuka, I want pizza everyday ... oh-oh-oh
Pizza … I love pizza, I need pizza, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh (2x)
Pizza and hamburger, I want Pizza and tacos
I love Pizza and french fries, And with tons of mayo ... oh-oh-oh
Pizza döner kebab, I want Pizza and bacon
I love pizza anytime, I love pizza anyway ... oh-oh-oh
Pizza … I love pizza, I need pizza, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh (2x)
(octave aigu)
I want to eat a pizza ... And I want it right now (Yes I do …)
I want to eat it everytime, My belly cries for more
I want to eat a pizza ! And I want it right now
… miam miam miam miam
I want to eat it everytime, My belly cries for more
Yeah yeah yeah
I want to it a fucking pizza ... Give me some more ...
I want more, oh my god, I want so much more ...
Give me pizza or I die ... Give me pizza ... Pizza
Et elle me demande … Paris, pourquoi tes chansons sont si tristes ?
Si elles sont parfois tristes, c'est pour conjurer le sort, tu sais …
La vie est bien trop courte, pour ne pas éprouver
Les sentiments d'amour, de colère ou de joie
Pour ne rien regretter, quand me quittera …
La vie, tu sais, se finira, le jour viendra
Pour moi, la mort me saisira, je lui dirai
« prends moi » ... « prends moi » ... « prends moi » ...
Et elle me demande ... Paris, pourquoi penses-tu autant a la mort ?
Vas-tu bientôt mourir ?
Je ne pense pas a la mort, je pense à la vie, tu sais ...
Il faut avoir pleuré, pour pouvoir sourire
Il faut avoir souffert, pour pouvoir aimer
If faut connaître la mort pour chérir ...
La vie, tu sais, se finira, le jour viendra
Pour moi, la mort me saisira, je lui dirai
« prends moi » ... « prends moi » ... « prends moi »
La vie, tu sais, se finira, le jour viendra
Pour moi, la mort me saisira, je lui dirai
« prends moi » ... « prends moi » ... « prends moi » (2x)
(chant grave au départ)
Oh when I see, You alone, In the bar, With your glass
Reflecting my tears, And my fears, In your eyes, Deep inside
… Then I cry, When I think, Of all that, You have done, To my life
… Then I want, You to die, Feel the pain, Deep inside, Be all mine
You know, I cry, I say, It's time, For revenge
You are my prey, Tonight, You will see, What it's like
To be hunted , Feel the scare, Feel the pain, In your guts
You know, I cry, I say, It's time, For revenge
Oh there you are, Close to me, In the dark, And I smile
(You) don't recognize, The woman, You have torn, In the past
… 'Cause I wear, The mask of, The scars you, Have made, To my life
… You're all mine, You're my prey, In your glass, The poison, Is inside
Your body, I cry, I say, It's time, For revenge
Oh you're all mine, On the ground, In your piss, And your tears
You beg to go, Free your life, From my yoke, Pitiful
… Then I smile, When I think, Of all that, I will do, To your life
… No pity, Be a man, And accept, The results, Of your acts.
I know, You cry, I say, It's time, For revenge
And everytime, I wake up, In the night, And I cry
For now a dream, But one day, I will find, The courage
Then, You'll cry, I'll know, Revenge
Don't tell me if it's right or wrong 'Cause I don't care
I'll do what I want, not what you're saying
All the misery, That you're revealing, Keep it for yourself and run away from me.
Don't tell me if it's right or wrong 'Cause I don't care
I won't give a fuck to what you're saying
All the jealousy, That you're vomiting, Keep it for yourself and run away from me.
Don't tell me if it's right or wrong 'Cause I don't care
I know who I am, and I'm not kidding
All the tragedy, That you're creating, Keep it for yourself and run away from me.
Is it right or is it wrong ... Don't tell me if it's right or wrong
It is right or is it wrong ... Don't tell me if it's right or if it's wrong
Is it right or is it wrong ... Don't tell me if it's right or wrong
It is right or is it wrong ... Don't tell me if it's right or if it's wrong
Don't tell me if it's right or if it's wrong
Don't tell me, Don't tell me, Don't tell me, Don't tell me
Don't tell me if it's right or wrong 'Cause I don't care
Look at what you are, all mad and whining
All the tyranny, That you're enforcing, Keep it for yourself and run away from me.
Don't tell me if it's right or wrong 'Cause I don't care
Look at what you do, you talk and nothing
All the litany, That you're embracing, Keep it for yourself and run away from me.
Don't tell me if it's right or wrong 'Cause I don't care
Look at what you think, for me you're nothing
The hostility, That you're inspiring, Keep it for yourself and run away from me.
Is it right or is it wrong ... Don't tell me if it's right or wrong
It is right or is it wrong ... Don't tell me if it's right or if it's wrong
Is it right or is it wrong ... Don't tell me if it's right or wrong
It is right or is it wrong ... Don't tell me if it's right or if it's wrong
Don't tell me if it's right or if it's wrong
Don't tell me, Don't tell me, Don't tell me, Don't tell me
(temps sur NIGHT)
Tonight, you cry, it's what is right (8x)
error : https://www.parisobscur.com/paroles_shows/saul_is_going.txt
Einen Schnaps für mich
Einen Schnaps für dich
Einen Schnaps für uns
Und für unsere Freunde
Heute scheint die Sonne, Und die Vögel singen
Die Blumen sind so schön, Das ist so toll, (so) ein schöner Tag !
Morgen wird es regnen, Die Wolken werden kommen
Ich bin so traurig, Deshalb brauchen wir … für Heute Nacht …
Einen Schnaps für mich
Einen Schnaps für dich
Einen Schnaps für uns
Und für unsere Freunde (2x)
Heute ist es Feiertag, Und Ich habe so viel Spass
Mit dir, zusammen, alles klar, Das ist so toll, (so) ein schöner Tag !
Morgen muss ich schaffen, Mein Chef und die Kollegen
Arbeit, Arbeit und keine Zeit, Deshalb brauchen wir … für Heute Nacht …
Einen Schnaps für mich
Einen Schnaps für dich
Einen Schnaps für uns
Und für die Kollegen (2x)
Einen Schnaps für mich
Einen Schnaps für dich
Einen Schnaps für uns
Und für unsere Freunde (3x)
Ich bin bei dir, In sicherheit
Und … du … zeigst … mir …
Du bist, Für mich
Wie ein Stern, der scheint
Du scheinst
Schwarz ist die Nacht
Ist die Nacht
Ist die Nacht
Ist die Nacht
Ich bin bei dir, Ich habe keine Angst
Schwarz ... ist … die … Nacht
Du bist, Für mich
Wie ein Stern, der scheint
Du scheinst
Schwarz ist die Nacht
Ist die Nacht
Ist die Nacht
Ist die Nacht
(attendre 1 pattern)
(I) just woke up, I'm feeling dizzy, what time is it ? … Let me check my phone
My eyes on the screen, It's all so blurry, what time is it ? I'm yawning like a dog
A cat on the feed, It's all so funny, just 5 minutes, And then I'm done
2 hours of my day, I just lost (1x)
I've got to say it's funny ! These cats are crazy
Who knew they could have done all that ? Not me, what a surprise
And the babies, You know, the babies, they are so fucking freaking nice
You know ... I just love this, And the fails, you know, When people fall and cry
It makes me laugh and all, Sorry but I won't lie
You know it's not his job, And I've got 5 minute crafts
That table looks so bad, I could have made all that
3 hours of my day, I just lost (2x)
I've got to say you're sexy, You're such a beauty
Who knew one could have been so fine ? All fake, but I don't mind
And your titties, your lovely titties, They are so fucking freaking nice
You know ... I just love this
And your hips, you know, When you move like a charm
It makes me hmmm and all, Sorry but I won't lie
P.O.R.N.H.U.B. And I've got 5 minutes now
You know I'm all ready, I will be just right back
I've got to tell you truly, It wasn't crazy
Who knew it would have been so hard ? The choice is killing me
And the ladies, you know the ladies, Some of them have some hidden things !
You know ... Bigger than mine
And the guys, you know, When they go in and out, It makes me feel so down
'Cause I can't do all that
I know it's not my job, And I have time for a nap
And now I look so mad, And now I stick so bad
SEX hours of my day, I just lost ... (2x)
And now it's time for TV, I wonder what is on TV tonight, Hmmm we will see ...
Shut up ! You're boring me
Shut up ! You're boring me
Shut up ! You're boring me
Shut up ! You're boring me
Stop talking ! Start acting !
Stop talking ! Start acting !
Stop talking ! Start acting !
Stop talking ! Start acting !
Toi … es-tu fier de … ta vie ? Il est trop tard pour moi
Ma route s'arrête ici, Qu'en est-il pour ...
Toi ? es-tu fier de ta vie ? Il est trop tard pour moi
Ma route s'arrête ainsi, Qu'en est-il pour toi ? Pour toi …
Moi … Je pense à … l'envie Que j'ai de … vous voir
De rire, aussi, (De) pleurer dans … le noir
Je repense ainsi A ces moments heureux
Je me dis aussi … Etaient-ils si nombreux ? Etaient-ils si nombreux ?
Vous ai-je …... assez dit … Tout l'amour en moi
Pour vous et … pour toi, J'y pense, et … je ris
Mon cœur aussi, Qui bat toujours pour toi
Je le sens, meurtri, Mais aussi plein de joie, Mais aussi plein de joie
Toi … es-tu fier de ... ta vie ? Il est trop tard pour moi
Ma route s'arrête ici, Qu'en est-il pour ...
Toi ? es-tu fier de ta vie ? Il est trop tard pour moi
Ma route s'arrête ainsi, Qu'en est-il pour toi ? Qu'en est-il pour toi ?
Toi … Que vas-tu faire du temps Qu'il te restera ?
Les corvées éphémères, Ou aimer jus … qu'aux larmes ?
Travailler la nuit Ou chanter à tout-va ?
Penser aux ennuis, Ou crier si fort, Ou crier si fort
Que cette envie de vivre Te déchire les entrailles
Que la douleur délivre, Dans le bien dans le mal
Que tes yeux vont pleurer, Que ton cœur va brûler
Que tes mains vont trembler, Ta vie te consumer
Ou pas, C'est toi Qui choisiras
Ta vie te suivra.
C'est toi Qui choisiras
Ta vie te suivra.
You know, I've been chased Just because i'm jewish
I've lost all the ones I have loved and I wish
I had a new chance To start once again
What have I done wrong To deserve all of this
You know (4x)
I know your brother Is just a rapist
And you, my dear son, You're depressed and all this
Is too much for me, More than I can handle
I'm glad your mother Is not here to see this
You know (4x)
What Did I do
You know, I've survived All of you and it kills me
To ... remember all the moments I've lived and
Be ... all alone, When i'm getting so old
I remember, Sometimes what happened during
War And I'm still haunted By all the soldiers
That ... I have killed To preserve My life and
I regret ...
You know (4x)
What Did I do
You know what it's like, Now that I want to be there ... I try
You know my desire, You know that I will be for you ... A clown
You know what you say, I know it's what is right
You know what I will say, I'll go (on) until you cry
You know my life, You cry you need to know
That I will try, And be a happy clown
Take me ... Take me down
You know what it's like, I wake up in the morning And try
You know my desire To hide the pain that I feel Inside
You know what you say, I know it's what is right
You know what I will say, I'll go (on) until you cry
You take me down, You know it's what you say
You take me down, I'll be a happy clown
Take me ... Take me down
I'm the Collector ... I'm the Collector ...
I'm the Collector ... You know …
I want your love, I want your life
I want your soul, I want you mine
I want your love, I want your life
I want your heart, I want to keep it close to mine
I'm the Collector ... I'm the Collector ...
I'm the Collector ... You know …
You got my love, You got my life
You got my soul, You got my heart
You got my love, You got my life
You got my heart, You want to keep it close, inside
I'm the Collector ... And I've been collected (3x)
I'm the Collector ... I'm the Collector ...
I'm the Collector ... You know …
I want your love
Même si je le sais, tu m'abandonnes, Quand je te vois au loin, toi qui t'envoles
Des regrets au chagrin, même si frivoles, Mon cœur est déchiré, je te pardonne
Toi et moi
Toi et moi
et je repense à toi, quand tu rayonnes, Tu éclairais ma vie, de farandoles
Mes pensées interdites, tu tourbillonnes, La noirceur de mon âme, ton cœur s'affole
Toi et moi
Toi et moi
In the darkness of my soul, and you cry and you're alive
In the darkness of my soul, and you cry and you're alive
In the darkness of my soul, and you cry you die
In the darkness of my soul
Sans ta lueur en moi, mon âme est sombre, Sans le son de ta voix, l'orage gronde
Ils t'ont tué en moi, mon cœur s'effondre, Libéré de ses chaînes, la bête immonde
Toi et moi
Toi et moi
In the darkness of my soul, and you cry and you're alive
In the darkness of my soul, and you cry and you're alive
In the darkness of my soul, and you cry you die
In the darkness of my soul
De t'avoir tant brisée, mon cœur s'étiole, De t'avoir déchirée, je m'abandonne
A la violence intense de leurs idoles, De mon âme indolente, leur mort résonne
Toi et moi
Toi et moi
You're the ghost, I am the house, And you are haunting me
One day you will revive, But it's not time now
One day you will be mine, But it's not time now
I see you in my mind, Your tears burn as they shine, And you are haunting me
The guilt is what I feel, The love yet will not die, And you are haunting me
When I close my eyes, You touch me with your heart, And you are haunting me
You're the ghost, I am the house, And you are haunting me
One day I'll touch your skin, But it's not time now
One day we will be one, But it's not time now
You're the ghost, I am the house, And you are haunting me
And the words That you said Resonate In my mind
All your cries, All your hopes, Resonate In my heart
(I) see your face, And your smile, (We) were so close To be one
(I) see you cry, And your tears, (We) were so close To be theeeeere
And you cry ...
I say one day we will be one, And you know that it's right
I say one day we will be one, And you know that it's right
Don't go (5x)
Please don't leave me alone … Don't leave me alone ... Don't leave me alone ...
You're the ghost, I am the house, And you are haunting me
One day you will revive, But it's not time now
One day you will be mine, But it's not time now
(intermédiaire EQ plus fort)
Tu sais, quand je vois ton corps enlacé dans mes bras
tes petits seins sublimes, glissant sur ma peau
je sens ton coeur battre, la sueur sur ton front
Et l'envie de rabattre, Ton sourire plein d'affronts
Je vois dans tes yeux, Le reflet de mon âme
Le pouvoir mystérieux, D'une envie si infâme
Tu es là, près de moi et tu pleures, Tu es là, près de moi et ton coeur …
(petite pause)
Tremble, Saigne, Brûle, Crève
(pause - break)
Tu es là, près de moi et tu pleures, Tu es là, près de moi et ton coeur en meurt
Je t'ai aimé et aujourd'hui encore ... je t'aime
J'ai tant prié pour qu'un jour toi aussi, Tu m'aimes
Ton coeur est ailleurs, je le sais, Il n'est pas à moi je l'accepte
Je veux ton bonheur, tu le sais, Même si parfois, je suis muette.
Je suis le ROI, tu es la reine et nos soldats de bois Brûlent dans l'arène
(pause – break guitare)
Tu es là, près de moi et tu pleures, Tu es là, près de moi et ton coeur en meurt
Je t'ai aimé et aujourd'hui encore ... je t'aime
J'ai tant prié pour qu'un jour toi aussi, Tu m'aimes
J'irais au bout du monde pour toi, Je cesserais d'exister, pour nous, pour toi
Et même si la vie est dure parfois Je vois dans ton sourire un éclat
Qui me montre, espoir, Que tu crois un peu en moi
Ton coeur est ailleurs, je le sais, Il n'est pas à moi je l'accepte
Je veux ton bonheur, tu le sais, Même si parfois, je suis muette.
(Laisser un pattern piano/basse)
I'm the King, You are the Queen, Our wooden soldiers Burn in hellish flames
I'm the fucking King, You are the doomed Queen, Our sordid soldiers, Burn in hellish fires
I'm the fucking king, And you are my kingdom
I reign over your dreams, And I live through your soul
I drive, I drive till the end of times
I drive, I drive till the end of times
I drive, I drive, I drive
Until it's right, Until it's right
I drive, I drive till the end of times
I drive, I drive till the end of times
I drive, I drive, I drive
Until it's right, Until it's right
I fly, where the sun is bright
I pay The price for all my crimes
I fly, I fly, I fly
Until it's right, The road is mine
When I drive and I try to feel alive
Then I know that it's what it's all about
When I drive and I try to feel alive
Then I say, then I say
I've got to be alive
Tonight I burn my soul
I cry inside
It's what it's all about
Tonight I burn my soul
I cry inside
The death is mine
I feel alive
I drive, I drive till the end of times
I drive, I drive till the end of times
When I see you close to me and you smile, You do as if … you were … cold
Then I try to make you laugh and I feel that, You're trying … to stay … calm
The truth is … (6x)
When I talk with you at night strong and proud, The truth is … I'm scared … inside
For me you're not just a flirt for the night, In your eyes … I see … grace
The truth is … (6x)
My heart is beating hard for you … is beating hard for you
My heart is beating hard for you … oh … is beating hard for you
All I care for now is to see a sign, That you feel … Inside … your heart
Just a little bit of something that shines Through your eyes … and smile
The truth is … (6x)
I love you ... I love you
I love you so much , My heart is exploding
I love you so much, My tears are on fire
I love you so much, My heart is breaking
I love you so much, That I cry
I love you so much, Oh my god, I love you so much
That my heart is exploding
I love you so much, Oh my god, I love you so much
That my tears are on fire
Love me … love me
Please love me … love me … too
(laisser 1 pattern)
The void, the void is calling me, The void, the void is calling
The void, the void is killing me, The void, the void is killing
All that, all that, all that is me, The void, the void is killing
All that, all that, all that is me, The void, the void is killing …
Me, you, us, the world, The smile, the tears, the pain, the joy
The heart, the guts, the mind, the soul, The dreams, the hopes are gone
(tout de suite - refrain)
The void, the void is calling me, The void, the void is calling
The void, the void is killing me, The void, the void is killing
All that, all that, all that is me, The void, the void is killing
All that, all that, all that is me, The void, the void is killing … me
(laisser le pont)
My heart has felt so many times, Inside, the fire burning
The flames of life are much too bright, Just like a star is dying
I close my eyes, I feel inside, The pain, the joy are going
I close my eyes, I feel inside, The void, the void is calling … me
The void, the void is calling … me, The void, the void is killing … me
The void, the void is killing … me, The void
(tout de suite - refrain)
The void, the void is calling me, The void, the void is calling
The void, the void is killing me, The void, the void is killing
All that, all that, all that is me, The void, the void is killing
All that, all that, all that is me, The void, the void is killing … me
(I) go, I fight, I pray, I die, I cry, my heart is dead alive
I know, I have to pay the price, My soul is torn, I want to stay …
Alive, I shout my guts so loud, I crave to stay with you tonight
My tears have died, my eyes are dry, My soul is torn, I want to stay … alive
I want to stay alive (3x)
The void, the void is calling me, The void, the void is calling … me
Je t'ai aimée, dès que j'ai su, Que dans mon ventre, commençait ta vie
Puis je t'ai prise, contre mon cœur, Quand tu es née, à calmer tes cris
Et je me suis dit, un peu plus tard, Que tous les enfants sont cruels, n'est-ce pas ?
Que ce n'est pas toi, c'est de ton âge, Mais tout de même, en 3 ans ... 5 chats ?
Valentina, Valentina
Est-ce que tous les enfants sont comme toi ?
Est-ce que tu es spéciale et voilà ?
Et voilà ?
Et quand j'y pense c'est vrai aussi, Tu n'as jamais eu … beaucoup d'amis
Peut-être était-ce de la jalousie ? Tu étais si belle ... gentille aussi
Enfin, souvent, enfin, parfois, Enfin, je crois ... pour moi, peut-être … ou pas ?
Je le reconnais, c'était bizarre, D'autant aimer … les lames ... de rasoir
Valentina, Valentina
Est-ce que tous les enfants sont comme toi ?
Est-ce que tu es spéciale et voilà ?
Et voilà ?
(pendant le piano seul)
Moi je ne sais pas ? Aucune idée, Pour moi tu es …
Tu es ma fille, je t'ai aimée, Tout pardonné, toutes les blessures
Toutes les douleurs que j'ai pleurées, Là, dans mon cœur, ça j'en suis sûre
Valentina, mon petit monstre, Tu m'as brisée, je te pardonne
Ce n'est pas ta faute, comme tu es née, La vie est dure, mais parfois bonne
Valentina, Valentina
Tu es mon rêve, tu es ma vie
Tu es mon sang … et ma croix aussi
Et ma croix aussi
We are the ones
We know you cry tonight, And we know you're sad
We know you cry tonight, And you die, You die alone tonight
We are the ones in the shadows, We are the ones you never know
We are the ones you only like, When you cry
We are the ones who make you smile, We are the sunshine in your life
We are the shoulder where you cry, When you're sad
We are the ones who never ask, Anything back, perhaps a smile
We are the ones who cry sometimes, All alone
In the night ... We cry alone sometimes
We are the ones
We know you cry tonight, And we know you're sad
We know you cry tonight, And you die, You die alone tonight
We are the ones and we're all one, So really fed up with your whines
Your selfishness will help you now, When you cry
We are the ones we're leaving now, You don't even see us go
Too busy with your fake friends, When you smile
You are the one all alone now, What will happen when you will cry ?
We won't be there and then you'll see, That we're gone
In the night, You'll cry alone tonight
We are the ones
People come, And people go, I'm standing here, Silent, my eyes closed
And crying, And smiling, I'm dying
People come, And people go, Powerless, Is how I feel
Watching, Some coming, Some going
But you ... Will you go ? (1x)
People come, It makes me smile, People go, It makes me cry
I'm waiting, Aching, Wanting Them back
People go, It makes me cry, People come, It makes me smile
I'm happy, I have you, Close here, Tonight
But you ... Will you go ? (4x)
You have come, Will you go ? I'm standing here, Lost, in my thoughts
And crying, And smiling, I'm dying
You have come, Will you go ? All alone Is how I'd feel
Watching, You going, Away, From me
But you ... Will you go ? (7x)
You have come, Will you go ? I'm standing here, With you, in my arms
I'm happy, I have you, Close here, Tonight
you know (4x)
(01:40 - break, commencer après le break de basse)
When you tell me in the dark (That) my eyes are so bright
When you tell me what it's like To be a man inside my heart
You show me that it's like To be the beast I am
To be the beast I am, To be the beast I am
When you take my gentle hand, You want me to touch your heart
When you take my brutal hand, You want me to break your cunt
You say, it's what I want, You pray, it's what I love, You cry, it's what you need
You know, you say, it's true, You really want me to, Touch you inside
And make you wet, As I knew, As I wanted to, As you craved to, As you begged me to
You know, you say, it's true, You really want me to, Touch you inside
And make you cum, As I knew, As I wanted to, As you craved to, As you begged me to
hmmmmmm (4x) You know (8x)
(solo juste avant la fin)
Now come back to me, I'll show you the way and I'll show you the light
I'l show you what it's like to be so dark inside your heart
That dark is just as bright as the brightest light,
That light is just as dark as the darkest night
Then I'll take your gentle hand, Place it all over my heart
Then I'll take your sensual hand, You will stroke me so bad
You will stroke me bad, You will stroke me hard, You will stroke me hard
You bitch, You will stroke me so bad
You know, I say, it's true, I really want you to, Touch me inside
And make me mad, As I knew, As I wanted to, As you craved to, As you begged me to
You know, I say, it's true, I really want you to, Touch me inside
And make me cum, As I knew, As I wanted to, As you craved to, As you begged me to
hmmmmmm (4x) You know (8x)
And you come, and you smile, and you cry, And then you'll see what I am
And you will see a light in my mind, Because you'll be all I have
And I cry knowing that all your heart, Is as empty as I am
You'll be here watching me with your eyes, And then you'll see that I died
That I died
----- parle doucement -------------
Then will come the time you understand, That you will be all I am
And I won't let you grow in your heart, The sordid pain that burns mine
I will hold your body in my arms, And close my eyes as I am
killing you and then I'll realize, What I have done to my child
To my child
And you come
And you smile
And you cry
And you see
And you fight
And you bite
And you scratch
And you die
And I sit with you here in my arms, Your dead body close to mine
With my hand in silence on your heart, A tear running off my eye
Killed my mother and now killed my child, Was it supposed to be my
Destiny when I crave to relieve, The pain I feel in my heart
As I die
(chanter sur la caisse claire)
You're my dope, you're my coke, you're my ecstasy
You're my dope, you're my coke, you're my ecstasy
Tell me that you love me, I want more
Tell me that you need me, I want more
Tell me that you crave
Tell me that you drool
Tell me that you're wet
I'm your everything and you're my overdose (4x)
You're my L, You're my S, You're my LSD
You're my L, You're my S, You're my LSD
Tell me that you love me, I want more
Tell me that you need me, I want more
Tell me that you wait
Your legs wide open
Your hands on your breast
I'm your everything and you're my overdose (4x)
You're my shit, You're my pot, You're my overdose
You're my shit, You're my pot, You're my overdose
Tell me that you love me, I want more
Tell me that you need me, I want more
Tell me that you crawl
Tell me that you beg
Tell me that you cry
I'm your everything and you're my overdose (8x)
And when you say it's … riiiiiiight ... I say nooooooo !
You try to tell me it's right, No, you've got to say …
(chuchoter, et monter progressivement)
I say, you know, you know inside, You've got to go and leave my life
You cry, you say, you know it's right, You tell me that you feel alive
You can't stay here and be my man, You can't pretend that all is fine
I know you cry and you're alive, You knooooooow ….
(chuchoter) You know it's right when I say (4x)
You've got to goooooooooooo, You know inside it's right
You've got to goooooooooooo, You know inside it's right, right, right
(pause break montée) - (chuchoter)
I know you're weak and can't decide, I know it's hard to face the facts
I know, it's true, that deep inside, You keep thinking that you're alive
Goooooooooooo, You've got to goooooooooooo, Goooooooooooo, Please goooooooooooo
(break – commencer avec les guitares)
you've got to go (8x)
And when you say it's … liiiiiife, I say nooooooooo !
You try to win the fight, No, you've got to say …
(chuchoter, et monter progressivement)
I just don't care that you're alive, You've got to go and leave my life
You cry, you pray, you realize, I really will not change my mind
You can't stay here, you're not a man, A fool is what you are inside
You whine, you beg, and you're all mad, You knooooooow ….
(chuchoter) You know it's right when I say (4x)
You've got to goooooooooooo, You know inside it's right
You've got to goooooooooooo, You know inside it's right, right, right
(pause break montée) - (chuchoter)
I know you're weak and can't decide, I know it's hard to face the facts
I know, it's true, that deep inside, You keep thinking that you're alive
Goooooooooooo, You've got to goooooooooooo, Goooooooooooo, Please goooooooooooo
(break – commencer avec les guitares)
you've got to go
A voice
As i am
C'est trop mignon
Ces larmes que tu ne vois pas
Cutting my veins
Et tu t'en vas
Fix me
Fly butterfly
Fuck yeah (saul is mad)
Happy enough
Hard to be me
I know
I own you
I want to make you cry
I wanted you to stay 1 the denial
I wanted you to stay 2 the anger
I wanted you to stay 3 the bargaining
I wanted you to stay 4 the depression
I wanted you to stay 5 the acceptance
Ich will in dir sein
Je m'enfuis
Je suis
Je vous m
L'enfer c'est toi
La marche des ombres
La messe noire
La vie est une fête
LÃ -bas
Little monster
Look at that man
Make me dream
My friend
Ne m'oublie pas
Paris est sombre
Paris est très sombre
Paris, le 13 novembre 2015
Right or wrong
Saul is coming
Saul is going
Schwarz ist die nacht
Sex hours of my day
Shut up (you're boring me)
Ta vie
The bond
The clown
The collector
The darkness of my soul
The ghost
The king
The road
The truth is
The void is calling me
We are the ones
Will you go
You know
You will see
You're my overdose
You've got to go